The Government will return to give aid to young people for the purchase of housing


The new State Housing Plan 2018-2021 includes the return of aid for the purchase of housing so protected as free for young people, After the previous plan (2013-2016) he removed them and bet only the rental and rehabilitation. If finally approved, children of 35 years old who have lower income to 3 times the Iprem (19.170,39 euros in 12 you pay) they can take advantage of up to 10.800 euros with the limit of the 20% of the purchase price. In the words of the Minister of public works, Íñigo de la Serna, This aid "favors the entrance to the floor".

The young child of 35 years must meet other requirements to benefit from these grants to the acquisition: that the House you buy is their habitual and permanent housing for at least five years and not be owner of another property in our country.

The draft of the Royal Decree of the Housing Plan 2018-2021 It also envisions other AIDS to rent for young people. In particular, up to the 50% the monthly rent for leases of between 600 and 900 euros per month and three years. Again, income must be less than three times the Iprem (19.170,39 euros in 12 you pay or 22.365,42 euros in 14 you pay) and housing should be the routine during the assistance period. The beneficiary must either have a House on property.

This draft will be presented tomorrow to the autonomous communities and these will be up to the 30 May to present their contributions, in such a way that the idea of the Ministry of public works is to start the procedure of Royal Decree the 1 June so enters into force the 1 in January of 2018.

To Fernando Encinar, Head of studies of Idealist, “It's a disappointing plan for several reasons. On the one hand resorts back to old formulas with the launch up aid to young people for the purchase of a House generating false expectation that everyone should be owner. It also encourages again the massive borrowing by the younger”.

Encinar agrees with the Government that measures should be encouraged to increase the growing rental market but not as envisaged in the draft of the Plan: “Giving aid directly to youth under the age of 35 years to rent a House (a measure that incidentally already the Zapatero government put into operation and that the PP criticized and subsequently repealed) It will lead to an artificial increase of the price of the rental”.

In addition, “seriously affects older people's 35 years that are not eligible for this aid since they will not count with the ' extra’ the Government and facing a rise in prices brought about, precisely, by such Government help”.

Bet Encinar also recover the tax deductibility of rent for the tenant, Since “It allows that everyone can enjoy this advantage and that both the tenant and the owner declared the existence of a lease”.

To Fernando Encinar “the best way to enhance the rental market is to take measures that increase the offer, whether it be giving greater legal coverage to homeowners so they are encouraged to get their houses for rent, as collaborating with the municipalities that yield dotacional ground for the construction of rental housing, in collaboration with private enterprise”

The main strategic lines of the housing plan

1.- Housing rental assistance program: aid of up to the 40% income from the rental with a limit equal to or less to 600 euros or up to 900 euros in those cases in which the rental price is rising as in cities such as Barcelona, Ibiza and Madrid. This assistance is intended for people with lower income to 3 times the Iprem and enjoy it during three years, If the House is usual and permanent domicile and not whether other homeowners.

2.- The Park's rental housing programme: the objective is to increase public housing in both car park will be free. The beneficiaries are organizations, public or private companies and administrations. Supports can be up to 300 EUR useful m2 for housing with a limit of the 40% investment and 31.500 euros per dwelling, provided that the tenants have incomes up to 4,5 times the Iprem and a maximum rental price of 7 EUR per m2 per month.

The aid can also reach the 350 Euro per m 2 per housing with a limit of the 50% investment and 36.750 Euro House. Tenants must have an income of up to three times the minimum wage index and a maximum income of 5,5 EUR per m2 per month.

In all these cases, houses are for rent during 25 years and not 50, that was the deadline set in the previous Plan, in order to stimulate the construction of rental housing.

3.- Evicted people from their usual housing assistance program: the objective is to make available to the terminally ill unoccupied and available housing of Ap'sareb and financial institutions to be occupied to lease. He is an agreement framework to then reach a specific agreement with each CC. AA. the beneficiaries will be evicted with lower income to 3 times the Iprem and non-availability of a dwelling. The rental price will range between 150 and 400 euros to the month, but the new Plan includes grants of up to 400 euros to the month, namely, coming to the 100% If the social services of the CC. To. Thus they determine it. The aid is of two years, but you can extend by the CC. Aa. If necessary.

4.- Programme for the promotion of energy efficiency in dwellings with an earlier age to 1996: not just for floors in buildings, You may request up to 8.000 euros, but also single-family homes, You may receive up to 12.000 euros. But with a limit of the 40% of total investment or of the 75% the investment, always that the recipient has income of less than three times the Iprem or make works of accessibility for people with reduced mobility or greater of 65 years old.

5.- The accessibility improvement in housing in buildings or single family previous to 1996: any community of owners, private owners, cooperatives or construction companies may ask for the auida of up to 2.000 euros per dwelling if it is only conservation or up to 6.000 euros per dwelling if it is to improve the accessibility. The limits are of the 40% of total investment or of the 75% the investment in the case of an income less than three times the Iprem or doing accessibility works.

6.- Programme for the promotion of regeneration and urban and rural renewal: aid for rehabilitation of buildings or dwellings within a maximum of 5 years old. the amount of aid varies depending on the concept:

- Rehabilitation: up to 12.000 euros for housing and 120 euros per m2 in commercial property.

- Renovation or new construction: up to 30.000 euros per dwelling.

- Urbanization: up to 2.000 euros by rehabilitated housing.

- Reaccommodation: up to 4.000 euros per year with a maximum of three years.

- Technical and planning offices: up to 1.000 euros per dwelling.

The limits are a 40% of total investment or of the 60% When the energy demand for heating and cooling is reduced, or of the 75% the investment in the case of income below 3 times the Iprem.

7.- Housing for the elderly program of 65 years old: for the promotion of buildings and residential complexes for elderly people and the beneficiaries can be public authorities or public undertakings. The amount of the aid is of up to 400 Euro m2 of housing with a limit of the 40% the investment. Older people must have incomes below to 4,5 times the Iprem and lack of housing on property or have a top heritage to 200.000 euros. The houses that rise will be for rent during 40 years and with a maximum recio of 9,5 Euro m2 per month.

8.- Another program of aid to older people's 65 years old: which are the beneficiaries of this aid and they should not have higher income to 3 times the Iprem. The amount of the aid can be of up to the 50% monthly income, whenever the biggest tenant of 65 years does not have housing property, have a lower heritage to 100.000 euros and income is less than or equal to 600 EUR or 900 euros in areas where rent is raising the price. The amount of the aid may also be of up to 200 euros per month for maintenance costs, community or supplies for homeowners with incomes up to three times the Iprem, residence and a lower heritage to 100.000 euros. The aid shall be of three years.

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